Account Maintenance

What Documents Are Needed To Open A Savings Bank Account? What If I Don’t Have A PAN Card?

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Here are the documents you need to open a savings bank account in India:

  • Identity proof: Aadhaar card, passport, driving license, voter ID card, PAN card, or any other government-issued ID card.
  • Address proof: Aadhaar card, electricity bill, water bill, gas bill, phone bill, rent agreement, or any other document that shows your current address.
  • Photograph: A recent passport-size photograph.
  • Form 60: If you are opening an account for the first time, you will need to fill out Form 60, which is a declaration that you are not a minor and are not politically exposed.
  • Initial deposit: The initial deposit required to open a savings bank account varies from bank to bank.

Once you have submitted all of the required documents, the bank will open your savings bank account and issue you a passbook. You can then start depositing and withdrawing money from your account.