
How To File A Train Or Station Related Complaint While Traveling?

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RailMadad is a grievance redressal mechanism launched by the Indian Railways in 2012. It allows passengers to lodge complaints or suggestions related to train travel or railway stations through online, SMS, or app.

The complaints can be about a variety of issues, including train delays, cleanliness, staff behavior, and missing luggage. RailMadad also provides a platform for passengers to track the status of their complaints and provide feedback on the resolution.

The RailMadad portal has been well-received by passengers, with over 10 million complaints lodged since its launch. The portal has helped to improve the quality of train travel in India by ensuring that complaints are addressed promptly and effectively.

Here are some of the benefits of using RailMadad:

  • It is a quick and easy way to lodge a complaint or suggestion.
  • You can track the status of your complaint online.
  • You can provide feedback on the resolution of your complaint.
  • RailMadad helps to improve the quality of train travel in India.

Link to website – https://railmadad.indianrailways.gov.in/madad/final/home.jsp

If you have a complaint or suggestion about your train travel, I encourage you to use the RailMadad portal. It is a valuable resource that can help to make your train journey more enjoyable.