Form filing demos

What is Form 60? How to fill Form 60? Demo in Tamil | Form 60 Filling Demo | Fill Up Form 60

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If you want to open a savings account or any investment account (like FD, RD) you will need to provide your PAN card details, as part of KYC.

In case you don’t have a PAN card, or have applied for a PAN card, and still don’t have it yet, you will need to fill out Form 60.

Form 60 is a common form that collects your information if you don’t have a PAN card (if you have a PAN card, you don’t have to fill form 60).

Most banks include Form 60 as part of the account opening or application form. While some other banks provide a separate, dedicated form for Form 60.

No matter how you are asked to fill Form 60, the information that you need to fill will be very similar.

In today’s video I demonstrate how to fill Form 60. Refer to this video any time you need to fill a Form 60!